Mark Lynas and green orthodoxy

Matt Ridley

A conversion over GM food Well done, Mark Lynas, for changing his mind over genetically modified food. Here’s Mark Lynas on those who still oppose GM food: “I look forward to their opening up an honest and self-critical debate on this, rather than attacking others like myself who challenge green orthodoxy where it likely harms society […]

The greening of the planet

Matt Ridley

Satellites confirm that green vegetation is increasing My latest Mind and Matter column in the Wall Street Journal is on the greening of the planet:   Did you know that the Earth is getting greener, quite literally? Satellites are now confirming that the amount of green vegetation on the planet has been increasing for three […]

Global outlook rosy; Europe’s outlook grim

Matt Ridley

We are copying the Ming empire I have an op-ed in the Times on how even a global optimist can foresee absolute as well as relative decline for Europe if it continues to emulate the Ming Empire: A “rational optimist” like me thinks the world will go on getting better for most people at a […]

The origin of life

Matt Ridley

Electrochemical echoes of life’s membranes at alkaline vents What better subject for the origin of a new year than the origin of life itself? A new paper claims to have nailed down at last the conditions, location and path by which life started, slicing through two Gordian knots. Knot No. 1 is the chick-and-egg problem […]

Low climate sensitivity

Matt Ridley

New data on aerosols and ocean heat suggest slow, mild warming I published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on the subject of climate sensitivity. Here are: 1. The article 2. An essay by Nic Lewis expanding on many of the points in the article. 3. My response to one of the critiques of […]

Peak farmland is here

Matt Ridley

Less land will be needed to feed the world My latest Mind and Matter column in the Wall Street Journal is on peak farmland, a more plausible prediction than peak oil.   It’s a brave scientist who dares to announce the turning point of a trend, the top of a graph. A paper published this […]

Raymond Gosling, the forgotten man of the double helix

Matt Ridley

He took the two key X-ray photographs My latest Mind and Matter column in the Wall Street Journal: Last week saw a 50th-anniversary celebration in Stockholm of the Nobel Prize for the discovery of DNA’s structure. That structure instantly revealed a key secret of life: that an infinitely recombinable sequence of four chemical bases, pairing […]

Shale gas could cut energy bills

Matt Ridley

Countries that turn their backs on cheap energy lose out I have an op-ed in the Daily Telegraph on the economics of shale gas in Britain: As part of today’s Autumn Statement, George Osborne is expected to approve the building of 30 gas-fired power stations, simplify the regulatory process for fracking and provide tax breaks […]

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