Storms are becoming ever more survivable

Matt Ridley

A big wind hitting Britain today does less harm than in past centuries My Times article on the storm that was to hit Britain on 28 October. In the event, four or five people died. Disruption to transport lasted only a few days.   If you are reading this with the hatches battened down, it […]

Why nuclear power costs so much

Matt Ridley

Regulation has driven up the price My Times article:   The real problem with nuclear power is the scale of it. After decades of cost inflation, driven mostly by regulations to redouble safety, 1600 megawatt monsters cost so much and take so long to build that only governments can afford to borrow the money to […]

The net benefits of climate change till 2080

Matt Ridley

Few people know that warming is doing more good than harm My Spectator cover story on the net benefits of climate change. I will post rebuttals to the articles that criticised this piece below.   Climate change has done more good than harm so far and is likely to continue doing so for most of […]

Offshore white elephants

Matt Ridley

Britain leads the world in offshore wind — because nobody else is so foolish My Times column asks if offshore wind is too expensive:   Here’s a short quiz. Question One: which source of energy is allowed to charge the highest price for its electricity? Question Two: which source of energy is expected to receive […]

Don’t discourage vaping

Matt Ridley

Don’t treat e-cigarettes as medicines; glamorise them My Times column tackles an egregious example of regulation doing more harm than good:   Should shampoo be classified as a medicine and prescribed by doctors? It can, after all, cause harm: it can sting your eyes and a recent study found traces of carcinogens in 98 shampoo […]

The inexorable nature of technological progress

Matt Ridley

Economic growth means the time it takes to do something falls My recent Times column on Moore’s Law, technological progress and economic growth: The law that has changed our lives most in the past 50 years may be about to be repealed, even though it was never even on the statute book. I am referring […]

Global lukewarming need not be catastrophic

Matt Ridley

Climate change could be real but do less harm than climate policy My luke-warming column in the Times on 28th September 2013, pleaded in vain for a moderate middle approach to climate change, and drew a parallel with the nature-nurture debate. Here’s what I wrote: In the climate debate, which side are you on? Do […]

Cheap energy or green energy – you cannot have both

Matt Ridley

Ed Miliband insists on trebling and freezing prices at the same time My regular Times column from 26th September 2013: Hypocrisy can be a beautiful thing when done well. To go, as Ed Miliband has done, within four years, from being the minister insisting that energy prices must rise — so uncompetitive green energy producers […]

Bill Bryson’s 1927

Matt Ridley

Book review of a fine account of one summer My review in The Times of Bill Bryson’s fine book, “One Summer”. The summer of 1927 in the United States seems at first glance an odd subject for a book. We all know what happened in 1914, or 1929, but what’s so special about the 86th […]

Why are there so few people over 115 years of age? (One)

Matt Ridley

Rapid increases in numbers reaching 100, but no change in record lifespan My Times column on how the world’s oldest people are getting younger: The two oldest men in the world died recently. Jiroemon Kimura, a 116-year-old, died in June in Japan after becoming the oldest man yet recorded. His successor Salustiano Sanchez, aged 112 […]

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