Podcast: The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg

Matt Ridley

I went on The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg podcast to discuss innovation, the lockdowns, and more. How does technological innovation actually happen? We were able to speak to Matt Ridley, who has literally written the (upcoming) book on this subject, How Innovation Works. Matt brings up fascinating points, such as whether or not innovation really […]

Podcast: The Political Orphanage with Andrew Heaton

Matt Ridley

A month or two ago, I went on a podcast called The Political Orphanage with Andrew Heaton to have what Andrew called a “literary tailgating party”, and discuss both The Rational Optimist and my upcoming book How Innovation Works. Listen on Apple Podcasts I thought it was a really good interview, and enjoyed it so […]

Watch: BlazeTV with Glenn Beck

Matt Ridley

I went on The Glenn Beck Program on BlazeTV for 15 minutes to discuss the pandemic, lockdowns, the NHS, the economy, and more: Full Episode on BlazeTVFull Episode on iTunes (Interview begins at 45:30) To see more of my appearances as soon as they’re available, subscribe to my new YouTube channel. To stay updated, follow […]


The Bats Behind the Pandemic

Matt Ridley

From Ebola to Covid-19, many of the deadliest viruses to emerge in recent years have the same animal source. My article for The Wall Street Journal: RaTG13 is the name, rank and serial number of an individual horseshoe bat of the species Rhinolophus affinis, or rather of a sample of its feces collected in 2013 […]

Britain’s coronavirus testing is bogged down in bureaucracy

Matt Ridley

My article for The Spectator: Despite what Corbynites like to claim, Britain’s National Health Service has always relied heavily on the private sector for lots of things. The food it serves to patients is not grown on state-owned farms, nor are the pills it prescribes manufactured in state-owned factories. Yet when it comes to diagnostic […]


Watch: Coronavirus and Lessons on Innovation with Yaron Brook

Matt Ridley

I spent an hour talking to philosophy expert, business expert and Ayn Rand Institute Chairman Yaron Brook about my upcoming book, and the painful yet important lessons that the epidemic is teaching us about innovation. Please check it out, and consider sharing and subscribing: To stay updated, follow me on Twitter @mattwridley and Facebook, or subscribe to my new […]

The curious age discrimination of coronavirus

Matt Ridley

Why does it affect the generations differently? My article for Spectator: The generational effect of the corona-virus is cunning and baffling. By often being so mild in the young and healthy it turns people into heedless carriers. By often being so lethal in the old and sick, it makes carriers into potential executioners of friends […]

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