The Solution to the Current Crises

Matt Ridley

The solution to the current crises is more innovation, not less. My blog post for Human Progress: When you think about it, what has happened to human society in the last 300 years is pretty weird. After trundling along with horses and sailboats, slaves and swords, for millennia, we suddenly got steam engines and search […]

My Latest Book, How Innovation Works, is Officially Available

Matt Ridley

Order the Hardcover, Kindle, or Audiobook Now I am delighted to be launching my new book How Innovation Works this week, which has officially arrived in the United States and Canada. If you want to read it now, you can get the Kindle or audiobook (read by myself!) instantly. But hardcover orders are even better! […]

The growing evidence on vitamin D and Covid

Matt Ridley

My latest article for Spectator: The argument that vitamin D deficiency may contribute to more severe cases of Covid is gaining ground. It is now reaching the point where it is surprising that we are not hearing from leading medical officials and politicians that people should consider taking supplements to ensure they have sufficient vitamin […]


Innovation Can’t Be Forced, but It Can Be Quashed

Matt Ridley

To solve 21st-century problems, innovators need the freedom to experiment without the burden of overregulation and the abuse of intellectual property rights by vested interests My article for the Wall Street Journal Saturday Essay, adapted from How Innovation Works which is available Tuesday, the 19th of May: The Covid-19 pandemic reveals that far from living in an […]

23 of Your AMA Questions, Answered

Matt Ridley

Last week, I did an AMA with a community called and the answers are now available on their blog. I answered 23 questions in total from their community and staff as well as a few from social media, discussing the usual topics of innovation and the pandemic, but also some new ones like time […]

Is the chilling truth that the decision to impose lockdown was based on crude mathematical guesswork?

Matt Ridley

My article with MP David Davis for The Telegraph: Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College “stepped back” from the Sage group advising ministers when his lockdown-busting romantic trysts were exposed. Perhaps he should have been dropped for a more consequential misstep. Details of the model his team built to predict the epidemic are emerging and they […]

We know everything – and nothing – about Covid

Matt Ridley

It is data, not modelling, that we need now My article for The Spectator: We know everything about Sars-CoV-2 and nothing about it. We can read every one of the (on average) 29,903 letters in its genome and know exactly how its 15 genes are transcribed into instructions to make which proteins. But we cannot […]

It is time to take seriously the link between Vitamin D deficiency and more serious Covid-19 symptoms

Matt Ridley

There has long been evidence that a sufficiency of vitamin D protects against viruses My article for The Telegraph: A suggestive set of numbers was published online in April by a medical scientist in the Philippines, Dr Mark Alipio. Of 49 patients with mild symptoms of Covid-19 in three hospitals in southern Asian countries, only […]

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