The World Needs a Real Investigation Into the Origin of Covid-19

Matt Ridley

A team of WHO researchers has arrived in China but won’t investigate the possibility that the coronavirus originated in a lab. My article for the Wall Street Journal, with Dr. Chan: In the first week of January, scientists representing the World Health Organization (WHO) were due to arrive in China to trace the origins of […]

Bio-Britain is leading the world in the science of Covid

Matt Ridley

The list of our achievements in biology is extraordinary for a country with just one per cent of the world’s population My latest article, for The Telegraph: Britain probably leads the world in self-criticism. So maybe we don’t always notice when the country leads the world in something a bit more useful. During the pandemic […]

Britain will thrive if we side with innovators

Matt Ridley

The government can kickstart a 2020s boom by giving entrepreneurs fewer rules, simpler taxes and cheaper energy My article for The Times: Tomorrow Britain starts to set its own rules, free of the directives of imperial Brussels. Boris Johnson said recently that his government kept deliberately quiet in 2020 about how it would unleash the […]


Lockdowns may actually prevent a natural weakening of this disease

Matt Ridley

Tough restrictions keep the virus spreading mainly among the very ill, meaning more lethal strains can dominate milder ones My article for The Telegraph: Boris Johnson’s fondness for the metaphor of the US cavalry riding to the rescue is risky: ask General Custer. With the vaccine cavalry in sight, and just when we thought we […]

Why mRNA vaccines could revolutionise medicine

Matt Ridley

My article for Spectator: Almost 60 years ago, in February 1961, two teams of scientists stumbled on a discovery at the same time. Sydney Brenner in Cambridge and Jim Watson at Harvard independently spotted that genes send short-lived RNA copies of themselves to little machines called ribosomes where they are translated into proteins. ‘Sydney got […]

The Folly of Renewable Energy

Matt Ridley

The West needs to go nuclear My article for National Review: If you judge by the images used to illustrate reports about energy, the world now runs mainly on wind and solar power. It comes as a shock to look up the numbers. In 2019 wind and solar between them supplied just 1.5 percent of […]

The power of science has delivered the best possible news in a ghastly year

Matt Ridley

A technical fix should bring the Covid nightmare to an end where so many other strategies have failed My article for The Telegraph: Happy Christmas! The BioNtech/Pfizer vaccine’s approval, with others to come, is the best possible news at the end of a ghastly year. Vaccination is humankind’s most life-saving innovation, banishing scourge after scourge […]

Was Covid beginning to peak before the second lockdown?

Matt Ridley

My article for Spectator: ‘I don’t think that word means what you think it means,’ says the Spaniard Inigo Montoya in the film The Princess Bride, when Vizzini keeps saying it is ‘inconceivable’ that the Dread Pirate Roberts is still on their tail. I muttered those words to myself during a parliamentary debate just before […]


Ten reasons why Boris’s green agenda is just plain wrong

Matt Ridley

While climate change is a real issue and must be tackled, the prime minister’s 10-commandment plan is not the way to go about it My article for The Telegraph: Our fearless leader has descended from the mountain with a 10-commandment plan for a green industrial revolution. At a cost of £12 billion, he will have […]


Temper your excitement about the Covid vaccine

Matt Ridley

My article for The Spectator: Ever since Giacomo Pylarini, a physician working in the Ottoman Empire, sent a report to the Royal Society in 1701 that Turkish women believed pus from a smallpox survivor could induce immunity in a healthy person – and was dismissed as a dangerous quack – inoculation has been as much […]

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