Trump takes on the climatecrats

Matt Ridley

Appeared in Spiked; No one should mourn America’s withdrawal from the ridiculous Paris Agreement. Donald Trump has pulled America out of the 2015 Paris Climate Accord for the second time. Bizarrely, like some dodgy insurance scam, the rules of the climatocracy say it takes a year to withdraw, so not till next winter America will […]


The truth about Covid’s origins is finally coming out

Matt Ridley

Under questioning from Congress, two key figures have unwittingly strengthened the lab-leak theory. Two of the key figures in the story of Covid’s origins gave away vital new information last week before the US Congress. One of these figures is Ralph Baric, the University of North Carolina professor who invented ingenious techniques for genetically altering […]

Why humanity is good for the natural world

Matt Ridley

Greens are suppressing the plentiful good news about the environment. Over the past few years, we have been subject to endless media reports on the devastating impact humanity is having on the global bee population. ‘Climate change is presenting huge challenges to our bees’, claimed the Irish Times last year. ‘Where has all the honey gone?’, asked […]

The shameless cover up of the lab leak theory

Matt Ridley

The more I think about it the more enraged it makes me. Back in late November, senior Tory minister Michael Gove was slapped down by the UK Covid inquiry’s head counsel, Hugo Keith, for raising the issue of where the virus originated. ‘There is a significant body of judgement that believes that the virus itself was […]


How global warming can be good for us

Matt Ridley

My article for Spiked: Global warming is real. It is also – so far – mostly beneficial. This startling fact is kept from the public by a determined effort on the part of alarmists and their media allies who are determined to use the language of crisis and emergency. The goal of Net Zero emissions […]