Maybe we’re all conspiracy theorists

Matt Ridley

My latest Wall Street Journal Mind and Matter column discusses conspiracy theories. Michael Shermer, the founder and editor of Skeptic magazine, has never received so many angry letters as when he wrote a column for Scientific American debunking 9/11 conspiracy theories. Mr. Shermer found himself vilified, often in CAPITAL LETTERS, as a patsy of the […]

Draco among the viruses

Matt Ridley

Latest Wall Street Journal  column is on how anti-virals outwit natural selection: Draco, who wrote Athens’s first constitution in about 620 B.C., decreed that just about every crime should be punishable by death, because that was what petty criminals deserved and he could think of no harsher penalty for serious criminals. “Draconian” means indiscriminate as […]

Rational Optimist by Skype

Matt Ridley

Back in June, I could not make it to Idea City in Canada,  meeting that chose “ideas having sex as its slogan”. But I recorded a talk by Skype and here it is.

Counting species out

Matt Ridley

I have a piece in today’s Times newspaper on extinction of species. Here it is, with added links: The suitably named Dr Boris Worm, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, led the team that this week estimated the number of species on the planet at 8.7 million, plus or minus 1.3 million. That sounds about right. We human beings […]

Why we are nice to strangers

Matt Ridley

Latest Mind and Matter column from the Wall Street Journal: Evolutionists long ago abandoned the idea that natural selection can promote only selfish behavior. In the right circumstances, animals-including human beings-evolve the instinct to be nice (or acquire habits of niceness through cultural evolution). This happens within families but also within groups, where social solidarity […]

Goldilocks heritability

Matt Ridley

My latest Mind and Matter column in the Wall Street Journal:   Hardly any subject in science has been so politically fraught as the heritability of intelligence. For more than a century, since Francis Galton first started speculating about the similarities of twins, nature-nurture was a war with a stalemated front and intelligence was its […]

The limits of sexual selection

Matt Ridley

My latest Mind and Matter column in the Wall Street Journal: What limits the size of a peacock’s tail, the weight of a deer’s antlers or the virtuosity of a songbird’s song? Driven inexorably by the competition to attract mates, these features of animals ought to get ever more elaborate. There was even once a theory-now […]

This time it’s different

Matt Ridley

      The New York Times has a fawning profile of the paymaster of eco-doomsters, Jeremy Grantham. It says: In his April letter, “Time to Wake Up: Days of Abundant Resources and Falling Prices Are Over Forever,” [Jeremy Grantham] argued that “we are in the midst of one of the giant inflection points in economic […]

The Polar Bear problem

Matt Ridley

It’s not that they are more desperate. it’s that they are thriving. Here is a piece I just published in the Spectator.   The terrible story of the boys mauled by a polar bear in Spitsbergen has sparked a debate about the risks of adventure travel. But what does it tell us about polar bears? Some have claimed […]

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