We’re wasting our big Brexit gene-editing opportunity

Matt Ridley

The Government’s half-hearted support for the process is denying us a huge chance to progress My article, for The Telegraph: The Government wants to unleash innovation. If it were to be presented with a magic wand that could by 2040 feed millions more people, avoid tens of millions of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions and […]


The Root of the Energy Crisis

Matt Ridley

This current crisis is a mere harbinger of the candle-lit future that awaits us if we do not change course My article for The Daily Mail: Had it not been so exceptionally calm in the run up to this autumn equinox, one could call the energy crisis a perfect storm. Wind farms stand idle for […]


Dismantling the environmental theory for Covid’s origins

Matt Ridley

My article for Spectator: With a laboratory leak in Wuhan looking more and more likely as the source of the pandemic, the Chinese authorities are not the only ones dismayed. Western environmentalists had been hoping to turn the pandemic into a fable about humankind’s brutal rape of Gaia. Even if ‘wet’ wildlife markets and smuggled […]

Playing the wild card

Matt Ridley

“Rewilding” is fashionable but there is more to it than letting Nature run free My article for The Critic: Near Fukushima, ten years after the nuclear accident that followed the tsunami, wild boar have colonised the suburbs. Near Chernobyl, bison and wolves wander abandoned streets. There is no doubt that if humans vanished, indigenous wildlife […]


Put the animal sentience bill out of its misery

Matt Ridley

Lobsters and the like are given no more protection from cruelty under this legislation but bureaucrats will thrive on it My article for the Times: Like a lobster in boiling water, a parliamentary bill on animal sentience is being tortured in the House of Lords. The problem is political rather than ethical. Nobody objects to […]


Organic food isn’t better for us – or the environment

Matt Ridley

My article for Spectator: It is mystifying to me that organic food is still widely seen as healthier, more sustainable and, most absurdly, safer than non-organic food. Following the publication of part two of Henry Dimbleby’s National Food Strategy last week, the organic movement was quick to suggest that organic food and farming offer a […]

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