Genome Editing

Matt Ridley

My Speech in the House of Lords I believe it is absolutely vital that the UK government signals its encouragement of genome editing in agriculture. My speech in the House of Lords today: View the full meeting and transcript To stay updated, follow me on Twitter @mattwridley and Facebook. My new book How Innovation Works is coming May 2020, and […]

Get Brexit Done

Matt Ridley

My Speech in the House of Lords It’s worth reflecting on why the British people distrust our motives. My speech in the House of Lords today, on Brexit (and WD-40): I also had an interview with BrexitCentral this weekend reflecting on the referendum, my “vision for Brexit Britain”, and more. To stay updated, follow me […]

EU can look to 1783 for a way through Brexit

Matt Ridley

Britain’s strategy after losing the War of Independence was generous and helped trade thrive My article from The Times: Frans Timmermans, the vice-president of the European Commission, is singing a more friendly tune to Britain than his fellow commissioners: “We’re not going away and you will always be welcome to come back”. In a similar […]


The EU’s absurd risk aversion stifles new ideas

Matt Ridley

Excessive regulation means the health and environmental benefits of new technology are suppressed My article from The Times: With tariffs announced against Brazil and Argentina, and a threat against France, Donald Trump is dragging the world deeper into a damaging trade war. Largely unnoticed, the European Union is also in trouble at the World Trade […]

GM Crops Like Golden Rice Will Save the Lives of Hundreds of Thousands of Children

Matt Ridley

My recent article in Quillette: Any day now, the government of Bangladesh may become the first country to approve the growing of a variety of yellow rice by farmers known as Golden Rice. If so, this would be a momentous victory in a long and exhausting battle fought by scientists and humanitarians to tackle a huge […]

The plot against fracking

Matt Ridley

How cheap energy was killed by Green lies and Russian propaganda My article from The Critic The first coffee house in Marseilles opened in 1671, prompting the city’s vintners to recruit a couple of professors at the University of Aix to blacken their new competitor’s reputation. They duly got one of their students to write […]

Why vaping causes harm in the US but not in the UK

Matt Ridley

It pays to legalise but regulate, rather than prohibit My recent article in the Wall Street Journal about the very different experiences of two countries with respect to electronic cigarettes.   Why the U.K. Isn’t Having Problems With Vaping The lessons of Prohibition’s failure in the U.S. haven’t been lost on the British. A woman […]

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