Innovation is the child of freedom: Naval Interview Part 1

Matt Ridley

A Silicon Valley Legend Discusses Innovation and More The first half of my much-anticipated interview with Silicon Valley legend Naval Ravikant in May is now available. We discussed my new book How Innovation Works and more. It was a wonderful discussion, and I appreciated hearing the perspective of a true entrepreneur and innovator. You can listen […]

Against Environmental Pessimism

Matt Ridley

Doomsday thinking about the environment has been popular for decades. My article for PERC: In 1980, the year that PERC was founded, I spent three months in the Himalayas working on a wildlife conservation project. The purpose was to do wildlife surveys on behalf of the Indian government in the stunningly beautiful valleys of the […]


Genome-edited crops help farmers and environment

Matt Ridley

My article for The Times: The agriculture bill before the House of Lords today offers a chance for plant breeders to make safer, more productive crops that need fewer chemicals. Britain has a long track record of safe and efficient plant breeding but the industry is unable to use the latest techniques because of a […]


My Live YouTube Q&A with Yaron Brook

Matt Ridley

Answering Questions About Innovation, Coronavirus, and More In a few minutes, I will be returning to The Yaron Brook Show for another interview. A lot has happened in the 2.5 months since my last visit, so I am sure we will have a lot to discuss. We will be discussing not just innovation and the […]


Has the British scientific establishment made its biggest error in history?

Matt Ridley

A strange obsession with mathematical modelling has compromised the country’s covid response My article for The Telegraph: The scientific establishment in this country has had a bad war. Its mistakes have probably made the Covid-19 epidemic, as well as the economic downturn, worse. Britain entered the pandemic late, with lots of warning, so we should […]


Could the key to Covid be found in the Russian pandemic?

Matt Ridley

From lethal pandemic to common cold: what we can learn from the events of 1889-90 My article for Spectator: The killer came from the east in winter: fever, cough, sore throat, aching muscles, headache and sometimes death. It spread quickly to all parts of the globe, from city to city, using new transport networks. In […]

A Wonderful and Innovative Two Weeks

Matt Ridley

Update on Reviews, Events, and More I have taken a break from media appearances since Thursday—I needed a rest, and I’d say I like birds even more than innovation—but it was a wonderful first two weeks for me and for the book, thanks to you. Here’s an update on the launch, and what’s planned for […]

So Where Did the Virus Come From?

Matt Ridley

Research into the origins of the new coronavirus raises questions about how it became so infectious in human beings My article for the Wall Street Journal: New research has deepened, rather than dispelled, the mystery surrounding the origin of the coronavirus responsible for Covid-19. Bats, wildlife markets, possibly pangolins and perhaps laboratories may all have […]

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